Any student/youth from any college/university around the world can enroll in this website and become a messenger of love, peace, and harmony. We require if you are a minor, you should have the approval of your parents to enroll and become a part of this global movement.

Your email id will stay confidential and will never be shared with anybody. When you enroll, your name with state and country information will be displayed in the MEMBERS​ tab and the messages will be displayed in the M​ESSAGE​ BOARD​ tab.

When you enroll, you take the following pledge:

  • I will do everything possible to spread love, peace, and harmony at my home, my school, my college or university, my neighborhood, my state, and my country.
  • I will do my best to help others, be it my sister/brother/parents at my home, my school, my college or university, my neighborhood, my state, and my country.
  • I will take care of nature by keeping my surroundings clean and avoid activities that can pollute or harm the environment.
(* Mandatory)
