SGLPH has been developed to build a platform for students and youth from across the globe
- to express their views and opinions about current world affairs,
- engage in constructive dialog among themselves,
- learn to collaborate for social causes,
- and become messengers of love, peace, and harmony.
This platform will help connect students across international boundaries to have a better understanding of various issues
that the world is facing in the 21st century, and then introspect to provide probable solutions through discussions, artworks,
poems, and other innovative methods.
It is very clear from the vast problems in the world such as poverty, pollution, corruption,
illiteracy, terrorism that efforts made by adults in this direction might not be sufficient to yield positive results. As of now, they have
failed to unite the world and bring sanity to humanity as a whole.
We believe that maybe, we the students, can do this challenging but crucial job by engaging in an
open and unbiased dialog amongst ourselves and put across our views, plans, and strategies in front of adults to give them an alternate
perspective to solving global issues. Hopefully, by nurturing these social values and taking more responsibilities, we will grow up into a
socially-responsible and more importantly, an understanding generation.
What makes SGLPH different?
What makes SGLPH's endeavor unique is our core belief that youth are capable of understanding global problems and they can brainstorm very innovative solutions that the adults might not easily see on their own. SGLPH's objective is to engender a generation of thinkers and doers, who are well-informed and passionate about the world they live in.
SGLPH is more than just giving back and helping others:
- It provides enriching experiences, through interactive programs, projects, and games to empower students.
- It opens the doors of philanthropy to students who want to help, but are unsure what to do.
- It enables students to make a difference.
- It will help in developing character strengths and life skills of students.
- It will develop communication, compassion, courage, independence, empathy, gratitude and many other important traits of students which
will help them to relate to other people as well as themselves in healthy ways.